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Clara Thompson is a German-American author and climate activist. She co-founded the local group of the movement "Extinction Rebellion" in Leipzig and organised their work. She co-founded "Wald Statt Asphalt" (Forests instead of asphalt) and was a spokesperson in a recent campaign to save the Dannenröder Forest from being cut down for a new highway. 

She periodically writes for different German newspapers and the online news channel of Al Jazeera. Clara currently studies sociology in a post-graduate program at the University of Jena.  


Clara's focus lies especially on empowering people and communities to work towards a mobility transition and improved public transport away from automobile dependence. Clara has co-edited the book "Aktionsbuch Verkehrswende - Acker, Wiese und Wald statt Asphalt" (transformation of public transport - acres, meadows and forests instead of asphalt).

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